Homeclub review

Get the basics right, is what I always say, and you're halfway there. In a music scene dominated by bands trying to sound hip and cool and "with it", it is refreshing to come across a band like Leeson. Comprising of Gerald (guitar), Jamie (vocals), Brian (bass), Thomas (guitar) and Mark (drums), Leeson focus on the fundamentals - melodies, harmonies, tight rhythms and vocal quality - and take it from there.

I enjoyed Leeson's set at Stasis 10 and was suitably intrigued when Brian invited me to its gig at Home Club. Before the event, I sat down for dinner with the group (sans Jamie) and found them pleasingly down-to-earth and keenly aware of the realities of the Singapore music scene. The main objective was to play live and have fun.This cavalier attitude belied a determination to be unique and exciting in a music scene that so often propounds uniformity over creativity. The three guitar players all sported headwear that seemed quaint and Jamie was attired in a full suit but it was their music that truly set them apart.

Memorable songs with irresistibly catchy choruses like current single, Absolute Beginners (www.myspace.com/leesonsg) and set closer, The King are prime examples of the strength of Leeson's repertoire. Primarily Britpop-based and rooted in the classic songcraft of the 70s, these songs prove that there is something special about Leeson and certainly deserving of a bigger stage. Catch them live the next time they play - a highly recommended pop experience.

From www.powerofpop.com